When Selling Your Home in Plano, There Are Three Ways to Do It

If you want to learn how to sell a home in Plano, Texas, you have a couple of options. The first is to place your home in the hands of a real estate agent and let them do all the advertising and showing people around the property. Readmore…

If You Really Do Want to Leave Plano and Sell Your Home, We’ll Buy It

We don’t know why anyone would want to leave Plano. It is one of the most beautiful cities in North Texas. People come to Plano: they don’t leave it. In fact, since 1990 the population has grown from 129,000 to just short of 300,000 precisely because it is so lovely, and people want to live here. Readmore…

It’s Harder to Sell a Plano Home Because of Covid-19

Selling your home in Plano, Texas, has never been an easy job. You have to put it on the market, show prospective buyers around, and when eventually you do get an offer it is for less than you want and the prospective buyer has a “take it or leave it” attitude. Readmore…

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